Paperless Forms

Managing day-to-day paper form processes can be time-consuming and expensive. Century offers an electronic form solution that converts paper processes into paperless processes. These paperless processes can seamlessly integrate with other systems and workflows within your organization. The E-Forms solution is an add-on module to Century's content management system. With E-Forms, your existing paper forms would be converted to electronic forms and stored within projects inside the Content Management System. Because E-Forms are electronic forms that are fillable on screen from desktop computers and mobile devices, they allow data to be captured instantly as the forms are submitted by users. E-Forms that have been submitted by users can be quickly retrieved by searching on specific index fields that are populated from the form's data.

Icon showing paperless forms
Man throwing papers into the air representing paperless forms

Controlled Access

When using E-Forms, access to your forms can either be available to anyone via the internet or can be limited to specific users to which you have granted access. Specific sections on the form and specific actions, such as editing, can also be limited to specific users, giving you full control over your forms.

E-Forms and Workflow

By combining E-Forms with Century's Workflow module, forms can be partially filled out by one user and then, based on workflow rules, routed to other users to fill out other parts of the form that are available only to them. Let's take an employment application as an example. Any anonymous user could fill out the application online. After it has been submitted, it would be routed to someone in your human resources department where he or she would fill out an “office use only” section. This same form could then be routed to a manager for completing additional fields, and so on. Using E-Forms with Workflow allows your business to convert these types of processes into end-to-end paperless processes.


Save Money

  • Electronic forms eliminate the ongoing cost of ordering and storing printed paper forms.
  • Data from completed forms can be sent directly to other systems, eliminating the need for data entry personnel.
  • Instant access to completed forms can eliminate photocopying and shipping costs.

Save Time

  • Instant access to your forms from any internet computer eliminates the time searching for paper forms.
  • Instant access to completed forms eliminates any shipping or transport time.
  • Electronic forms can pre-fill data, validate user input, utilize drop-down menus and calendars, perform calculations and can help you to collect more accurate information which can save time correcting data errors on the back end.

Other Benefits

  • Forms are organized and located in one place.
  • Everyone is always accessing the latest version of your forms.
  • By combining E-Forms with Workflow, you can make your existing business processes completely paperless.
bar chart with increasing height bars

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