Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Software

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software is a platform solution that collects, organizes, and shares content at the enterprise-level. This content is stored in a single system — known as an enterprise content management system — so it can be distributed and accessed across different channels within the organization. A great ECM should scale as a company grows. To do this, ECM systems combine a robust collection of technologies, workflows, and strategies that a company can use to digitally manage its information. They also typically support integrations with other tools that can help make enterprise content easier for teams to access at any point in the content lifecycle.

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A Scalable On-Premise ECM System

PaperVision® Enterprise is a scalable on-premise enterprise content management (ECM) system that gives you an efficient way to store and access your important organization information, as well as enable automation and tracking of business processes. It facilitates your success by speeding information access while maintaining strict security standards. Best of all, setting up entire projects, including security, retention policies, users and groups is as simple as clicking a button for many common business processes.

Intelligently Locate Information

With PaperVision® Enterprise, you can intelligently locate information in seconds, saving countless hours of productivity. One search returns all related information in virtually any format including scanned images, Microsoft®Office and other electronic files, emails, PDFs and more. You can also run PaperVision® Enterprise on a single desktop computer or thousands of computers across a globally distributed network, which can be leveraged, tiered and load balanced to fit your specific needs.

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Protect Sensitive Data

PaperVision® Enterprise protects information from unauthorized personnel. Multiple layers of security, including transmission, system, data, user, project, index, and application settings, provide access to only those who need it. Ensure compliance with a wide variety of regulations, and meet all reporting and auditing standards to prove security. Encryption further protects data both during transmission and while being stored.

Minimize Downtime

With PaperVision® Enterprise, you can minimize downtime and have peace of mind that comes from knowing your most critical information is securely protected from both cybercriminals and physical disasters. You can even package data into an encrypted file and transfer it off-site, using PaperVision® Data Transfer Manager, allowing you to recover from any disaster.

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Collaborate Effectively

PaperVision® Enterprise allows you to upload files in hundreds of formats from most applications directly into PaperVision® Enterprise for secure storage. Point-and-click integration makes it easy for you to share information with other line-of-business applications, so your workers have streamlined access to the data they need to continue work processes and generate results.


  • Store information on-premise and speed up document retrieval times.
  • Locate documents in seconds with keyword searches to improve organizational functions.
  • Automate document processing, including collecting information directly from email and electronic forms.
  • Protect information when stored and transmitted using multiple levels of security, user controls, and encryption.
  • Gain regulatory confidence with evidence of audit trails, security controls, user activity, document history, and records retention.
  • Simplify your disaster recovery strategy with automated backups and multiple copies of information.
  • Reduce your cost per document processed by managing files digitally.
  • Re-purpose document storage space for money-making activities.
  • Streamline organizational decision-making for faster results.
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© Digitech Systems, Inc. PaperVision® is a registered trademark of Digitech Systems, Inc.

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